About Me

My photo
Since i was a little girl until today i like write although more sing, before only people that could read my stories were my friends but this changes now, i hope you enjoy so i enjoyment writing this. I want to thank to those people that stayed with me until now, i really love them.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

A subject you enjoyed studying

Hi there!

Well... I decided choose the organic chemistry, maybe it was not the most easy of the subject but I had fun studying it, I love challenges and I feel that this was perfect, it was difficult and exciting because this was essential for my career, it was the basis of everything.

In this subject, is studied to everything related to organic molecules, that is, they have carbon in their structure. When we study organic, we not only study what the molecules are, but we also see how they are formed, how to identify them, classify them, predict how it could act if it reacts with our body.

I have always thought that organic is the basis of everything related to our career, and now that I have been able to study it, confirm what I thought, it is wonderful.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

An expert / person in your field that you admire

Hello my readers.

This time I will speak of the teacher that I inspire me, his name is Fernando Alexis Lopez Silva.

When I started to study my career, in the Universidad Católica, I has the opportunity of ken to this professor, hi had photographic memory, they called him the vademecum with feed. Hi was the best teacher that I had.

I remember that allways, after of class, a classmate who studied medicine, the professor and me stayed talking of the pharmacology and other approaches of the synthesis and metabolic pathways.

Hi was very important in the inclusion of clinical pharmacists in Chile.

I do not know of his biographic, I chose to speak of the professor Fernando Lopez because hi was very important for me, he guided me and showed me what my vocation was, what I expected from my career and where I wanted to specialize. I owe a lot to him.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

How can your mayor make the world a better place?

The Chemestry and Pharmacy, my career, is the answer to how enhance the health and quality of life of the people. When you are sick, you need the drugs for enhance or at least feel better, this can mean that a patience do not feel pain in the last days of his life. In others intances, this is the cure for the ailment that affect to the patience.

Every day, when I wake up, I think in my future in the career, I imagine in the hospital, with the different professionals of the health, helping to the patience to endure yours ailments, work with the team for heal to who needs it.

I think that with this career we will can to make of the world a place more pleasurable for all the people that suffer illness or want to ameliorate their health.

This is us for now, see ya!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

A photo and its story

She is Pelusa, she was my best friend and confident, we were together 17 years.

She arrived a september 19th, she was 2 year ago, was rescued of a house where she was abused, they beat her and kept her tied up all day. When I met her, the first that I did was lift her up, she tembled but little by little she calmed down, thereby I took her to my home.

When she arrived my house, she was very scary, surely she thought that we would do the same, although with me she was not scary, she wagged her tail to see me, she was very sweet with me.

Every time, when we went for a walk, She did not let anyone get close to me, always that I let her go run free, she tayed close, to 1 meter from me, sometimes she was coming to me and asked for love.

She died the last year, to september 20th, and I miss her so much.

Friday, May 28, 2021

My favorite food

This day I will write about my salad favorite, this is the celery with avocado and olives. If you have not tried it, just do it, you will not regret, you only may to chop the celery and the avocado, you add lemon, salt and olives, mix all and voilà! it is ready.

I like this salad because I love the celery, I would eat it all the day, it is the best, is fresh, crunchy and delicious, and when I mix it with avocado and olives the flavor is enhanced.

The best about this food is that is very healthy, contains fiber, fats, vitamins and minerals necessary for the health, besides satiates a lot with a few calories, only add a proteins and you have the lunch.

Well, I hope that you try it, you will not regret.

Friday, May 14, 2021

My favorite piece of technology

Well... I did not believe that I will a speak of this, but, here I go.

My favorite piece of technology is a cellphone, I hurt to say because I did not believe that one day would depend of this. 

When I a child, the technology were not important, I studied with a icarito, the internet were not necessary, but now I do not live without this, I occupy it of attend to class, communicate, search information, study, learn new skills, even for play a game and listen music, it is annoying.

The cellphone allows us to use internet everywere, of course, if you pay for the service, and keeps us connected with the other people.

Honestly I believe that the cellphone is, currently, neccesary for all the people. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

My Career

Hi everyone, I love to see you again, this time it is moment that I speak about my career and why I chose to study this.

When I was a little girl I wanted to study to become a vet, but I chose not to study that when I spoke with one vet because he told me that to become a vet, I must be prepared to see animals die. 

Initially I cost me find that study, but after of think about it, I chose study Medicine.

When I was 17 years old, I studied organic chemistry in this university in the summer, I know, it's quirky, but i like it chemistry. There I noticed that my heart was here, the chemistry medicine.

Now I studies Chemistry and pharmacy program and I so very happy, is my dream, and after working in the hospital evaluating pharmacotherapy in a psychiatric center.

Thursday, April 22, 2021


I suppose that before staring writing for you, you need to know about me...

I was born and grew up in Santiago of Chile, I have a little sister and I live with her and my mother, my father passed away 2 years ago leaving a before and an after in my life. Currently I study Chemistry and Pharmacy program at the University of Chile but in despite that is a scientific one, part of me enjoys of a few hobbies such as singing, acting, writing, walking and other things.

My dreams are finished my career, job in the hospital evaluating pharmacotherapy in a psychiatric center, have a family and why not? study opera some day, as hobby, and singing for the people who don't have money to go to see this.

My first idea about this blog was to upload videos about me singing but I am a little shy and in despite of my voice is, according the people who listen to me, beautiful and considering that I participated in the Requiem for Chile and the university's chorus singing alone sometimes still I'm not ready for singing on internet, maybe sometime I will.