About Me

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Since i was a little girl until today i like write although more sing, before only people that could read my stories were my friends but this changes now, i hope you enjoy so i enjoyment writing this. I want to thank to those people that stayed with me until now, i really love them.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

How can your mayor make the world a better place?

The Chemestry and Pharmacy, my career, is the answer to how enhance the health and quality of life of the people. When you are sick, you need the drugs for enhance or at least feel better, this can mean that a patience do not feel pain in the last days of his life. In others intances, this is the cure for the ailment that affect to the patience.

Every day, when I wake up, I think in my future in the career, I imagine in the hospital, with the different professionals of the health, helping to the patience to endure yours ailments, work with the team for heal to who needs it.

I think that with this career we will can to make of the world a place more pleasurable for all the people that suffer illness or want to ameliorate their health.

This is us for now, see ya!

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