About Me

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Since i was a little girl until today i like write although more sing, before only people that could read my stories were my friends but this changes now, i hope you enjoy so i enjoyment writing this. I want to thank to those people that stayed with me until now, i really love them.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

An expert / person in your field that you admire

Hello my readers.

This time I will speak of the teacher that I inspire me, his name is Fernando Alexis Lopez Silva.

When I started to study my career, in the Universidad Católica, I has the opportunity of ken to this professor, hi had photographic memory, they called him the vademecum with feed. Hi was the best teacher that I had.

I remember that allways, after of class, a classmate who studied medicine, the professor and me stayed talking of the pharmacology and other approaches of the synthesis and metabolic pathways.

Hi was very important in the inclusion of clinical pharmacists in Chile.

I do not know of his biographic, I chose to speak of the professor Fernando Lopez because hi was very important for me, he guided me and showed me what my vocation was, what I expected from my career and where I wanted to specialize. I owe a lot to him.

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